Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Hey! Look at me all fancy with a computer. I've been thinking maybe i'll blog. Not a ton but if anything interesting happens I hope to post it:)
First off here are my sweetie boys. They are mostly sweeties, Lately they've been picking up terrible things from day care (like punching each other in the face) but we deal with it and they mostly like each other. At daycare Treyzon cries so he can go with Demarques in his class. Silly boys.


Colliers said...

Yay! Yay, yay, yay!!! I'm so glad you blogged. I loved your first sentence too! More, more!

Kamilla Bell said...

I agree. Great to see a post. I'm glad your boys like each other.... (for the most part). They are so handsome.

TeElle said...

I'm glad you're back too! Not that I don't see you often, but it's still fun to read your blog and see cute pictures. I hope you blog about the wedding this weekend since we couldn't go!

TeElle said...

Hmmm. . . so nothing interesting has happened in a long time. I miss living by you!

TeElle said...

You made me all hopeful with your comment on Mickelle's blog. I'll check again soon.