Monday, April 26, 2010

Mickelle and TeElle here you go always complaining I never blog. I donno why you even still check or care? But these are just cute pictures of my sweetie heads :) Don't have anything exciting to say except that I am so so so SO excited to Live in Salt Lake I wish it would come sooner!


Colliers said...

Yay, yay, yay! Yay for you. They are soooo cute. Thanks for the pics. I am so so so excited for you to move to and wish it would come sooner. I check for housing every day. You're boys are super cute and I hope I get to see them soon.

TeElle said...

Good for you! I love to see new pictures! You have such cute kids, I miss them a ton. I am embarressed about the boots and undies picture. Oops! I can't wait to see you though. Love you!

Kaycee Suzanne Allred said...

I care too! I love new post from family! And your boys are the cutest things ever! Utah will be fun, glad your excited! Oh and I was just going to say I love picture post they say it all so you don't really have to come up with anything to say. Yeah.